SCHOOL BLOGS - Blogues do Cole

30 nov 2015


Next playlist video has the songs you like most for Christmas in the English class. Have a look and practice singing.

O video seguinte ten unha recopilación das cancións que máis vos gustan paraa clase de inglés no Nadal. Mírao e practica cantándoas.

Song List:
0:01 Santa, Where Are You?
2:12 Decorate The Christmas Tree (to the tune of Deck The Halls)
4:57 What Do You Want For Christmas?
8:13 Hello, Reindeer
9:19 We Wish You A Merry Christmas
11:08 Jingle Bells
13:55 S-A-N-T-A
16:34 Little Snowflake
18:46 Goodbye, Snowman

All original and adapted songs, and all arrangements, copyright Super Simple Learning.

Enjoy !

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