Last Thursday, 24th of November was special. We celebrated Thanksgiving with teacher Ann. We had to think of "Things we are thankful for". It's great to understand how lucky we are with the things we have.
All pupils in Primary made a big turkey. Each one had to write something " I am thankful for ..."
O pasado xoves, día 24 de novembro, foi especial. Nós celebramos Acción de grazas coa profe Ann. Tiñamos que pensar "Cousas polas que estamos agradecidos". É fabuloso entender o afortunados que somos polas cousas que temos.
Todo o alumnado de Primaria completou un gran pavo. Cada quen tiña que escribir algo polo que dar GRAZAS.
These are the crafts that 1st and 2nd level children made during this Season as Autumn Art Work.
In the English Class with Teacher Ann they learnt all the vocabulary they needed and later in Art Class they did the crafts. Here we show the resources we used. Estas son as manualidades que o alumnado de 1º e 2º fixo durante esta
estación como traballo de Plástica no Outono. Na clase de Inglés coa
profe Ann aprenderon o vocabulario que precisaban e despois na clase de
Plástica fixeron a manualidade. Aquí vos amosamos os recursos que
To learn about emotions and "Faces" teachers used this song: Para aprender sobre emocións e "cariñas" as mestras usaron esta canción:
This year we celebrated Halloween singing and dancing the Halloween song "Knock, knock" from Supersimplesongs all together in the gym last Friday.
Here it is the video with our work.
Este ano celebramos O Samaín cantando e bailando coaa canción "Knock, knock" de Supersimplesongs tod@s xunt@s no ximnasio o pasado Venres.
Aquí amosamos o vídeo do noso traballo.
These are the songs we are practising at school this year.
On one hand we are learning about emotions and pumkin faces with two nice songs. On the other hand we are talking about Halloween costumes and trick or treating.
Estas son as cancións que estamos practicando no cole este ano.
Por unha banda estamos aprendendo sobre emocións e caras de calabazas con dúas cancións. Por outra banda estamos falando dos disfraces de Halloween e de facer "Truco - trato"
This is the title we have chosen for the LIM we've done to practice insects/bugs at school this year. All pupils at school learnt about animals.
In the English class pupils in "Infantil", 1st and 2nd level have learnt bugs' names playing with this activity. Special thanks to John Gobeille, our assistant teacher, for lending his voice.
Enjoy it.
Este é o título que escollimos para o LIM que fixemos para practicar os insectos/ bichos no cole este ano. Todo o alumnado no cole aprendeu sobre animais.
Na clase de inglés o alumnado de Infantil, 1º e 2º aprenderon nomes de bichos xogando con esta actividade. Gracias especialmente a John Gobeille, o noso profe euxiliar, por prestar a súa voz.
April's last week we celebrated book's day with an activity called "contacontos interciclos". Pupils in 1st grade learned and made the storytelling with this wonderful book writen by Bill Martin Jr and ilustrated by eric Carle "Brown bear, brown bear."
They were fantastic! Have a look at the video.
A última semana de abril celebramos o día del libro cunha actividade que chamamos "contacontos interciclos".
O alumnado de 1º curso aprendeu e fixo o seu contacontos con esta magnífica historia escrita por Bill Martin Jr e ilustrado por eric Carle "Brown bear, brown bear"
This term we have been working with animals. Shortly we will show some of the activities we've done but now it's a simple game to build one human body and later change it into an animal one. This game is from the New York Zoo web, we've enjoyed too much with it in class. Press on the picture to play it.
BuilD YouR WiLD SeLF
Este trimestre estivemos traballando co tema dos animais. En pouco tempo amosaremos máis actividades que fixemos pero este é un xogo para construir unha figura humana e despois cambiarlle o aspecto e darlle un "toque salvaxe". Este xogo é da web do Zoo de Nova York, na clase gozámolo moito, Preme na imaxe para xogar.