SCHOOL BLOGS - Blogues do Cole

31 oct 2015


Halloween is  here. Have a look at some activities and songs we are working with.
Xa chegou "Halloween". Bota un ollo a algunhas actividades que fixemos!

Make your own pumpkin.
Enjoy it!


We made scary bookmarks in the 1st and 2nd levels. Look!!
Fixemos uns marcapáxinas terroríficos en 1º e 2º curso. Mirade!


In Arts class (Sección Bilingüe) we made some enchanted houses and we created a small village. Do you want to have a look?. Click here to have a look to the blog.

Na clase de Plástica (Sección Bilingüe) fixemos algunhas casas encantadas e creamos unha pequena aldea. Queres mirala?  Fai clic aquí para miralas no blog. 
SEBI Team.

5 oct 2015


We play with this boardgame on the whiteboard at school to learn or revise school vocabulry. You can print it and play at home as well.
Enjoy it.
Xogamos con este taboleiro na pantalla dixital no cole para aprender ou revisar vocabulario. Podedes imprimilo e xogar na casa tamén.